Vastu Cures


Panchtatwa Therapy
Now we at LIVING ARCH are carrying further this ancient legacy. Apart from researching the vedic science we are also re- searching the ancient wisdom. In this Arena, we are relating Vastu with different aspects of Vedic Knowledge and thus creating a new field of vastu rectification or Vastu Chikitsa which is branded as Panchtatwa Therapy wherein we include the undermentioned ways of remedy in correction of a vastudosh:

Mantra Chikitsa
Different Gods have preceding powers over different directions. As Vastu is a Science of orientation of direction any imbalance in direction can cause negative results. Each God have their own mantra may be veej mantra or maala mantra. The lost rhythm of direction is restored by correcting a specific mantra for a certain direction. The AJJAPA THERAPY is very beneficial and efficient in this aspect.

Gems Therapy
Gems are the creation of God produced by seminal fluid of Lord Shiva. This is the reason, that they possess energy. Use of these gems to energize the human body or human abode is very ancient and very common. People wear yellow sapphire, Ruby, Pearls, and Emeralds. Similarly it can be done in Vastu alignments.

Aroma Therapy
Apart from human beings, only plants do respire. They are the source of oxygen, which is called pranvayu in Yoga Shastra. OILS, PERFUMES, PASTES made up from these auspicious plants help to vitalize the surrounding air and environment and thus create an impact on human environment i.e. Vastu

Color therapy
Colors like music are a universal language. Colors too can influence our well being. Modern sciences accept that colors produce physiological reactions within the body. Color has a language of itself that we tend to understand naturally. Each color’s wavelength focuses on a particular part of the body and elicits pacific response and moods. The same mechanism is also true when we apply different colors in house or workplace. Many of us can recall at least one incident when a fresh coat of paint succeeded in achieving near magical transformation of a lifeless building.

Position of particular trees and plants in particular direction is a very effective tool to balance and harmonize the area in and around the house. They help us to increase the immune system of our house and help us to keep away from germs and evil spirit.

Pyramids are the best shape for preservation and longevity. They are the storehouses of energy. Apart from example of Giza and Egypt, the best example of pyramid is where cow dung and food grains are stored in pyramodial shape l/3rd height of pyramid is the centralization of energy zone. Base and shape of pyramid depends upon the direction in which it is built or kept as energy powerhouse. They are of great help in the field of Vastu Chikitsa. One can even energize a medicine if kept in a pyramid shaped object. * Divine geometry The golden ratio that is 1.618 is also called “phi ratio” & also the divine ratio, as everything in nature follows this ratio. For example head of a giant sunflower reveals two distinct spirals of seeds 55 rows spiraling anti-clock wise and 89 spiraling clockwise. e.g.89/55= 1.618 is a divine ratio In shree yantra and Pentagon a holy symbol in Greece, this ratio is again followed; we can use this ratio in our building and workplace to flow with nature.

Now a days a lot of new building materials and techniques are used in building. Main focus today is on easy application and estimation, while in this process we forget the vibrations emitted /released by these materials posing danger to our environment. Example- Use of chemical paints, synthetic carpets, wrought iron beds etc. A house should also breath like a human body. These materials particularly stop the respiration of the house and make it dead. Nature friendly material and locally available materials are of very great help in this regard.

Aura is an illuminous body. It is like the illumination of a bulb. The intensity or liglit of a bulb depends upon two things, one is the current that is invisible and the second is the bulb. If there is any leakage of current or if there is any defect in bulb the light will be low. Similarly, our internal strength or inner body is like current. Physical body is like bulb and intensity of bulb is like Aura or Cosmic body. It is true with aura of the houses. Aura of the house also affects the aura of the inmates. Aura of the house largely depends upon the position of main door. The colour configuration and movement pattern of aura of a house conveys signals and images that communicate the house’s Vastu defects( state of being). Whereas the sixth layer of human aura is that of environment that’s why both of them are interlinked and interdependent